garden patio ideas

Sometimes it’s difficult to be inspired with areas in your home and garden and often you need to discuss your options with an expert to really realise what your options are. We often visit clients to go through suggestions they could do to their Guernsey garden – and many times they end up choosing an idea they hadn’t previously considered. If you’re wanting some ideas before giving us a call, the following garden patio design ideas published on may give you some inspiration…

1. Add personality with pattern
Patterned floor tiles are not just for indoors. The experts at Ca’Pietra say porcelain tiles are one of the unsuspected tile materials that can live outdoors, just as happily as they can do in kitchens and bathrooms. ‘They’re frost-proof, because they don’t absorb water so won’t crack. And they’re super low maintenance so will stay looking as good as new with very little TLC. Plus, you can get patterned porcelain tiles to jazz up sections of your garden rather than classic stone paving.’

2. Make the patio an extension of your indoor space
Create a patio garden that looks nothing like your traditional idea of a patio garden! Installing sliding doors means you can roll back the doors from your kitchen-diner and increase space with a seamlessly adjoining al fresco space beyond; make the tiles match up perfectly to create a fluid dining area. You could move the table and chairs out easily for fuss-free and family friendly weekend meals.

3. Create a seamless flow with matching materials
Blur the boundaries between indoors and outdoor aesthetics – make the patio feel like an extension of the immediate indoor living space by coordinating the flooring material. Keep the look light with a polished concrete finish paired with contemporary garden furniture.

4. Add decorative deck tiles to a patio
Add interest to the look of a wooden patio by laying deck tiles, rather than the classic deck boards.

5. Surround paving with raised flowerbeds
If you only have a small garden, swap grass for a patio to create the perfect area for alfresco dining. Raised flower beds surrounding the patio are a clever way to add a splash of colour that will make you feel like you’re dining in the middle of a meadow. Paint the walls of the planters white to attract the light, helping to make the space feel bigger.

6. Create a focal point with a warming fire pit
Fire pits are THE garden must-have right now, as we look to use our outside spaces more – whatever the weather. Build your own design incorporated into the patio paving to get the exact size and shape to suit. No matter how big or small your patio, it’s always good to create a focal point to give the space a sense of purpose. Benches either side of a warming fire pit help to create an inviting place to relax and spend some downtime in the garden – no matter how chilly it gets.

7. Paint the patio
Painting the patio has become a popular trend to give tired-looking paving slabs a modern day makeover. Using specialist outdoor paints and a stencil homeowners are giving their patios a refresh with an injection of colour and pattern.

8. Extend a small space
Make the most of a compact outdoor space that adjoins a flat or house, by creating your very own modern secret garden. Clusters of large pots holding lush plants create a tropical feeling and the sense of being in nature, which is only enhanced by the warmth of horizontal wood panelling.

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ALways wanted to improve your outdoor space? Contact our team today to discuss your garden patio design ideas and options available to you!